How to Setup Single Tap
Step 1. In the menu bar, Bookmarks -> Bookmark Manager
Step 2. Navigate to where you want to add the bookmark. Right click -> Add new bookmark
Step 3. Name it whatever you'd like. For the URL copy and paste this snippet:
javascript:(function(){var url=window.location.href;new_url= ";window.location=(new_url);})();
That's it! While on a recipe page, click on the bookmark you just created. You'll be redirected to NoBlog.Cooking
Step 1. Navigate to
Step 2. In the menu bar, Bookmarks -> Add Bookmark. Give it some name you'll remember.
Step 3. In the menu bar, Bookmarks -> Edit Bookmarks.
Step 4. Find your bookmark, right click, edit address.
Step 5. Paste the following snippet:
javascript:(function(){var url=window.location.href;new_url= ";window.location=(new_url);})();
That's it! While on a recipe page, click on the bookmark you just created. You'll be redirected to NoBlog.Cooking
iOS (Any Browser)
Step 1. Add this NoBlog Shortcut -
Step 2. Open the Shortcuts app
Step 3. Tap the 3 dots on the NoBlog shortcut
Step 4. At the bottom, tap the information indicator
Step 5. Make sure 'Show in Share Sheet' is enabled
That's it. While on a recipe page (Safari, Chrome, or preferred browser), press the share button, scroll until you see the NoBlog action.
Note: the first time you use it, you will get a prompt asking for permission to open Safari. Make sure to tap 'Always Allow'